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File Created: 04-Sep-1986 by Gary R. Foye (GRF)
Last Edit:  05-Jun-2023 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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NMI 093J8 W1
Name SILVER, BULL MOOSE Mining Division Cariboo
BCGS Map 093J029
Status Showing NTS Map 093J08W
Latitude 054º 15' 13'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 19' 58'' Northing 6011945
Easting 543470
Commodities Lead, Zinc, Silver, Tungsten, Graphite Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Cariboo, Ancestral North America, Slide Mountain
Capsule Geology

The Silver (Bull Moose) occurrence is located along Averil Creek, approximately 1.4 kilometres northeast of the creek's junction with the Fraser River.

The area is underlain by rocks of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Wolverine Complex, which comprises granitoid gneiss, schist and small bodies of granodiorite.

The Silver showing occurs in quartz-sericite schist and quartz-biotite schist, which have schistosities striking at 103 degrees to 128 degrees and dipping steeply southwest. Several quartz-filled shear zones are concordant with the planes of schistosity. One zone is up to 3.2 metres wide and has been traced for 102 metres. Mineralization consisting of a little pyrite, galena and sphalerite and abundant graphite occurs in lenticular quartz masses in this zone. A little scheelite was observed at one point.

Work History

The area was originally explored in the early 1920s.

In 1979, Ymir Venture completed a program of rock and soil sampling on the area immediately northwest as the North Bend property. In 1980, a further program of rock, silt and soil sampling was completed on the property.

EMPR AR 1922-122; 1928-191; *1935-C31
EMPR ASS RPT 7717, 8680
EMPR BULL *10 (Revised), pp. 76,77
GSC EC GEOL *17, p. 61
EMPR OF 1991-17